So I did this on my friends blog and thought I would jump on the
1. Add a comment on my blog, leaving one memory that you and I (or Joey, or both of us, or our kids) had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.
I was just telling Lil' Brady the other day about our adventures while my parents were out of town for a month. You really were the best teenage-sitter! That was one of my favorite months in HS. Other memories I have of you include many at Bear Lake. I always remember me, Danielle, and Dana always wanting to be just like you older girls. And not to mention the skinny dipping episode!
So many memories! Always having Mandy Harrison talk about Stacia and Sarah - then meeting you at her sleepover. Early morning cheer practices and all the fights. When you went to Lagoon with me before sophomore year started. Cheer camps. Feeling sorry for ourselves when we didn't have dates to homecoming and your mom made us those wanted posters. Painting the "O" at your house and having the hatch break off my car and Larry had to help us fix it. So many good times! Now I have good memories of getting together and letting our kids play, it's always fun.
I remember when I first met you and you were pregnant with Logan. I thought you were due any day and you still had like 5 months left!
I remember phys class with Wendy and Chris and Trisha always being bratty. Hanging out with Taylor and Hank after High school was over and all the fun we had doing nothing! Who could forget clinic 28! Dr. Krueger the grouch. Dr. Bowen the funny guy. Patty the crazy. Coming out of the rooms and telling us the gross undertakings inside! When the tornado happened and some idiot in the hospital called all the personnel to the cafeteria? Good times. Now we have great memories with our kids. Max biting troy. All the kids hanging out in the boys room watching movies. You getting lost coming to the barn! Good Times!
I remember when you used to post on your blog. good times. Maybe we can do it again someday :)
Hello there, if you are wanting some super cute Halloween scrappin stuff CTMH new catty has way cute stuff. Like I totally flipped when I saw it and thought of you. I owe you a paper pack anyways. Love ya
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