I can't believe that my little guy is 5 today!!! Logan came to us as a big surprise and he has been none stop surprises ever since. I honestly have thought at times he would not make it to his next birthday but he has made it to the rightful age of 5. He definitely keeps me on my toes daily. I think that all of the small holes in the wall are from Logan. He is very
mischievous and has started to teach this to his little sister. He is really cleaver with the things he says. Right before Christmas I was telling him to be good because Santa was watching, and he informed me that Santa still give naughty kids presents. (I thought he's right I have never heard of a kid not getting presents from Santa on Christmas, it just an empty promise that parents threaten their kids with.) Through all the naughty things Logan does and has done I wouldn't change a thing. We hope you had an awesome birthday!!! Happy Birthday Logan!!!!
Hey Stacia, So I'm making my family blog private, so email me YOUR email address @ marie84107@yahoo.com so I can add you to the VIP list of people that get to see my blog! Thanks, Marie Olsen
Happy Birthday Logan!!! Sorry we missed your fun day!!
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