If you think that my blog is G rated it's about to go PG-13. So I have a really hard time weening my kids. Hadley turned one on August 20
th and I was still nursing her 2 weeks before my birthday. This year I'm turning the big 30. My husband thought it would be fun to go to
Wendover for my birthday, but that
meant that I needed to ween Hadley before the big party. I did it!!! However this time I was completely lop sided. My right side kept producing milk and the left side dried up. (See pictures and they don't really do it any justice.) Joey thought this was really funny and I have to say that I got some strange looks at the store, but what can you do. Sad to say they are back to normal now and they both look like the boob on the left.
I just weened Mikey too we should go bra shopping!
So dang funny! I'm glad you got it done though because Wendover was a blast!
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