Baby# 4 Ultrasound
I went today for my ultrasound and got good and bad news. Good news is that baby looks great and everything is fine. Spine is normal, head is the right size, heart beat sound and looks good, however bad news is that they are 80% sure that baby is going to have clubbed feet. I jinxed myself in saying that if that's all they told me was wrong with the baby I could totally deal!! CLUBBED FEET AAAHHHH!!! So if you want to see really cute feet, come quickly after the baby is born because Logan had cast put on at 6 days old, and was in cast until he was 3 months old. I guess if this is the worst news I could get I'm fine with it. We went through this with Logan and so at least we know what we are in for as far as treatment. I'm certainly glad I saved all of Logan's cool shoes. Things I'm not looking forward to are Logan was a really picky baby and wanted to be held all of the time, those stupid shoes they have to wear 24/7. Sponge baths because you have to be careful of the full leg casts that they put on, and last but not least the awful things people say to you when they see your baby in cast, like you broke both their legs, I even had people mumble things under their breath to me about Logan, good thing I have thick skin and a sharp tongue!! Many sleepless night because the baby cried for 2 hours and slept for 45 minutes. At least I'm better prepare this time around and who knows maybe this baby will have any easier time of it. Any guesses on what we are having??? She didn't tell us but you can guess I'll let you know in April!! I will post ultrasound pictures when I get them scanned into the computer.
Halloween Nails
We did it AGAIN!!!
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Here comes Baby #4!!!
I went to the doctor today and we couldn't here the heart beat of the baby, so I had a little panic attack. They put me in the ultra sound room and we took a look and everything looks great. baby looks great and is measuring just perfectly. I'm 10 weeks pregnant and my due date is April 29Th. Everyone is pretty excited in the house except Joey who is panicked because now we have to get new cars, and how are we going to be able to handle another kid, have you seen ours?
State Fair
We go to the fair every year and this year we went again. The kids got to pet some of the animals and of course we made them all ride the ponies. Noah and Hadley loved it and Logan cried again. I took some pictures and will post them as soon as I get them off my camera. I forget all about the booths at the fair, it's the part I love the most but we never get around to looking at all the stuff. There's always next year. I have to say the carmel apples this year were really delicious!!!
Our Baby Girl Is TWO!!!
Noah Turned 7!!
Noah had his birthday this month and turned 7. I can't believe that he is 7 already, it seems like I just the other day I holding him in the hospital as a baby. He is such a great kid. Always caring about other people, and how they feel, even Logan (though he is sometimes really annoyed with his brother.) He is a great student and loves school. He has a great imagination. He told Joey the other day that he wants to dig up dinosaur bones and be evil scientist when he grows up. So in our next house he asked if Dad will build him a lab for all his evil inventions. I'm so proud of the boy he is and love him very much!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOAH!!!! (Pictures to come they are on my other camera.)
ACN Training in Palm Springs
Treasure Island
I'm TOTALLY Crazy!!
Here's the Deal
I just got chew out by my adorable sister-in-law about blogging. I know that I'm a horrible blogger, but life has just gotten so crazy and things have been really busy and messy. My life needs to get organized starting with my house. I'm going to take one room at a time and clean it form top to bottom, I'm going to organize my basement into a nice clean heaven, get the bills filed and the businesses in order and I struck a deal with Dom about my blog. I will promise to blog once a month to update you about my little family and our busy life. If I fail I owe Dom a gift card to P.F. Changs, and other places. Here's how if will work, for every month that I forget to blog I will send Dom something in the mail in the form of a gift card. Lucky Dom, but I'm going to try and keep up on it so that Dom and everyone else can see what going on in our crazy life!!
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