For the Month of July!!
In honor of the 4th and the 24th of July I have changed my back ground to my blog to be patriotic. I may however change it back before the end of the month. I think that it is a little loud. However I could not resist the stars and stripes.
So You Think You Can Dance!!
I am a hugh SYTYCD fan. I love this show. I record each episode and re play them over and over. I think that I still have almost all of last season still on my TIVO. I won't get rid of them, besides Logan loves to watch the dance show. Two years ago I went to see SYTYCD tour in Denver with my sister-in-laws. It was awesome. This season I was not sure at first if there was really anyone that I loved right at first. However I have my favorites now. I love Katee and Joshua. I think that every dance they have done has been really good. Here are some of my favorite clips from the show this far.
Hannah MAN-tana Contest
My brother-in-law is trying to win Hannah Montana ticket to the Staium of Fire for his little girl Shaylee, (she is going to be 3 in 2 months.) he has to dress up as Hannah MAN-tana. So you have to going to this web site http://www.971zht.com/ and vote for him and the person with the most votes wins. Here are the pictures of him that will be posted on the contest. He is contestant number 42. What a great dad to dress up like this to try and win tickets for his daughter. Good Luck Chris!!
Our Trip to the Zoo!!!
We went to the zoo on member night. It was great, there was hardly anyone there it was a nice cool night and the animal for the most part were out and not just laying there in the heat. They also had a lot of things for the kids to do. Noah love the zoo and definitely loves animals. He loves the tigers the most. We got to see the white alligator again this year and I told the kids we could go back and do the carousel ride later this summer. (The line was enormous for this, and we did not want to wait.) It was a really fun family night at the zoo!!
Update on Hadley
I never put updates on here about my children, but we just went to the doctor so I thought that I would. Hadley is 10 months old. She weights 17 lbs. 12 oz. (She is in the 75% in weight and weights more now then Logan did at a year YAY!!) She is 28 inches. (She grew 3 inches in 3 months, She is in the 50%) Her head circumference is 17 3/4 inches. (She is in the 40%) She is a very happy little baby. She loves to play peek a boo and is very fast at crawling. She looks a lot like her daddy and I thought that she was going to be a mommas girl but like my boys if her dad is around, loves him. (This makes me a little sad, I did hope that 1 of our kids would like me more, but I guess daddy is just more fun to play with!!) She is on the verge of walking. She will stand on her own and every once in a while take maybe two steps but then falls to the ground and takes off crawling. She is very much loved by the whole family. She is a very sweet little girl. Also while at the doctors office I did find out that Hadley had double ear infections. I had no clue. She was not even acting different. I'm either a bad mother and not very observant or my children don't ever change when they have ear infections. She has been amazingly happy through the whole thing. (My boys are the same way when they get ear infections, I never notice until they get other symptoms.) She is taking her meds and we go back next week to see if they are all cleared up.
Ryan Sally Hoecherl
Baby Ryan is the newest of the Hoecherl cousins. She is grandchild number 21. She is the cutest little thing and very happy. I don't think that she cries. She was so happy the whole time we where there visiting. MacKensie is a great big sister and loves to hold her and help out. Hadley is really excited to have two cousins her age (Sophia and Ryan) so that they can be great friends. We are really excited that Hyrum and his family are moving back home. They will be here the first week in July and we can't wait. (Ryan is about 5 months old in these pictures.)
Wedding Invitations
Visit To Annie
Water Horse Eggs
My two boys are obsessed with the Water Horse show about the Loch Ness Monster. For months before the show even came out Noah kept telling us that he wanted to go to the pet store and by a water horse as a pet. Joey and I would always just say that water horses are not real. Well when the movie came outon DVD I went to the store and bought the movie and came home and watched it. The boys loved it. They do a reenactment of it in the tub where Noah is the water horse and Logan is the boy and they swim around and Noah makes this noise like the water horse and Logan recites the little boys lines from the movie. Well our new thing is that they like to collect water horse eggs. Every where we go they are bending over and picking up rocks. Big ones, little ones and they are all over the house. I'm so sick of rocks!!! Logan has to put them in bowls and wash them. I had to ban bring water eggs into the house!! I told the boys that we have enough Water Horse Eggs!!!
Sleeping Boys
Ice Cream-Yummy???
Disney Pricess Test
You Are Mulan!

Strong and spirited. You're no one's girly girl; actually you are very determined person with a strong sense of self. Never let go of that! The only thing that equals your sense of self is your family, but the traditions of society can always be bent to protect something or someone you love.
Which Disney Princess Are You? So I found this test on my friend Kim's blog and thought that it sound like fun.I was thinking and wondering which princess I would be and I have to say that Mulan is very cool however, I think I secretly want to be a girly girl.
Noah's 1st Soccer Season
Christmas at the Grandma Hoecherl's
So, I forgot my camera this year at Grandma Hoecherl's. So we video tape everything. It was amazing. Santa made a special visit and all the kids got to sit on his lap and tell him what they wanted for Christmas. As soon as I figure out how to post the video I will.
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