The Leaning Cake of Piza
Lop Sided
Halloween Parade
Aunt Celeste
The Rules for playing TAG:
*Link to the person who tagged you
*Post the rules on your blog
*Write six random things about yourself
*Tag six-ish people at the end of your post
*Let each person know he/she has been tagged
*Let the tagger know when your entry is up
Rachel and Tifany tagged me.
1. I get hooked on doing one thing and let everything else go (Example I love to read and when I read a book it totally consumes my day and I let my house go)
2. I have not slept though the night in 7 years and I get up a usually watch a movie or read when I can't get back to sleep.
3. I love to make crafty things.
4. I love to try and get organized however you would never know it by the way my house looks. It is however a goal of mine to get organized and have everything in it's own place.
5. My son takes fencing and I love to watch him in his tournaments. He has only be doing it for 3 months and he fences kids the are 4 years older than him and does very well in keeping up with them.
6. I'm a movie collecter. I hardly go to the movies so if there is something that I wanted to see I usually buy it when it comes out. Half the movies we own I believe I like mostly and I know my husband hates but they are ours forever.
So now I'm tagging Celeste, Trina, Becky, Lisel, Melanie, and Angie
I've Been Tagged
First Day of School
Happy Anniversary Joey!
Annie's Wedding
Happy 1st Birthday Hadley!!!!