
The Leaning Cake of Piza

This year for my birthday my kids made me a cake. This is what it looked like. It looked like it was going to fall over at any minute. The cake was really delicious and moist. They did such a good job and I thought it was so cute of them. In case you didn't notice that's a picture of me on top of the cake done by Noah the artist.


Noah has started a new hobby.  Fencing!!!  This was his first tournament and he is fencing kids that are 10 and older.  He does such a good job fencing these kids that are so much older than him.  He might not win any of the rounds but he at least can score some points on them.  Next year he will get to Fence kids closer to his age and then we an see how well he does with them. I hope that he sticks with it.  It's really interesting and not a sport that a lot of kids do.  It's also a lot of fun to watch.

Lop Sided

If you think that my blog is G rated it's about to go PG-13.  So I have a really hard time weening my kids.  Hadley turned one on August 20th and I was still nursing her 2 weeks before my birthday.  This year I'm turning the big 30.  My husband thought it would be fun to go to Wendover for my birthday, but that meant that I needed to ween Hadley before the big party.  I did it!!! However this time I was completely lop sided.  My right side kept producing milk and the left side dried up.  (See pictures and they don't really do it any justice.)  Joey thought this was really funny and I have to say that I got some strange looks at the store, but what can you do.  Sad to say they are back to normal now and they both look like the boob on the left.


This year we had a devil (Hadley), werewolf (Noah) and vampire (Logan) for Halloween.  I thought that all my kids looked really cute in their Halloween costumes.  I slaved away on the sewing machine for 5 days straight sewing these little creations.  I think that they all like their costumes.  This year we got to trick or treating with our cousins Josh, Nathan, Brandon, MacKenzie, Ryan and Shaylee.  We went to sizzler first because the kids got to eat free and then to Aunt Celeste's house.  She gives out hugh gift bags to all the grandkids and then to my parents, and last but not least Melanie's house for the Trick or Treating.  What a night!!!

Halloween Parade

Noah was a werewolf this year for Halloween.  He looked so cute in his costume and had a great time in the Halloween Parade.  Hadley had a hard time staying still for the whole parade, so she climb all over the chairs and walked around.

Aunt Celeste

My kids are so lucky to have an Aunt like Celeste.  She is so cool and they love that every 2nd Sunday when we get together she has a special project for them.  This is a picture of the project they did October.  they made these awesome little mummies and the tops were filled with candy.  Aren't they cute!!!  Aunt Celeste is Awesome



The Rules for playing TAG:

*Link to the person who tagged you

*Post the rules on your blog

*Write six random things about yourself

*Tag six-ish people at the end of your post

*Let each person know he/she has been tagged

*Let the tagger know when your entry is up

Rachel and Tifany tagged me.

1. I get hooked on doing one thing and let everything else go (Example I love to read and when I read a book it totally consumes my day and I let my house go)

2. I have not slept though the night in 7 years and I get up a usually watch a movie or read when I can't get back to sleep.

3. I love to make crafty things.

4. I love to try and get organized however you would never know it by the way my house looks. It is however a goal of mine to get organized and have everything in it's own place.

5. My son takes fencing and I love to watch him in his tournaments. He has only be doing it for 3 months and he fences kids the are 4 years older than him and does very well in keeping up with them.

6. I'm a movie collecter. I hardly go to the movies so if there is something that I wanted to see I usually buy it when it comes out. Half the movies we own I believe I like mostly and I know my husband hates but they are ours forever.

So now I'm tagging Celeste, Trina, Becky, Lisel, Melanie, and Angie


I've Been Tagged

So I started this tag a while ago and now that it's November 22nd I'm now finishing it.
Rachel Tagged me twice!
8 TV shows that I love to watch:
1. Survivor 2. CSI 3. Dexter 4. Charmed 5. America's Funniest Home Video 6. Law and Order SVU 7. Extreme Home Makeover 8. House
8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Braza Grill 2. Chili's 3. Olive Garden 4. Sizzler 5. LaFontera 6. Bajios 7. Famous Dave's 8. Sizzler
8 things that happened yesterday
1. Went to the Bank 2. Cleaned the Living Room 3. Read my book 4. Went to the Movies (Twilight, what a let down) 5. Took my kids to Grandma's 6. Made some business calls 7.Got my internet working 8. Picked Noah and Zack up from school.
8 things on my wish list
1. A clean house 2. A maid 3. No laundry 4. A stress free job 5. A Vacation 6. A bigger house 7. Friends for my children that they could run next door and play with. 8. My husband to not have to work so much.
8 things that I am looking forward to
1. Thanksgiving 2. Logan's Birthday 3. The new year 4. The Economy to pick up (Hopefully soon) 5. Christmas 6. Going Snowmobiling 7.Finishing my book 8. A good nights sleep
8 people I tag
1. Becky 2. Kira 3. Celeste 4. Dom 5. Robyn 6. Tianna 7. Jenny 8. Jill


First Day of School

Noah and Logan on their 1st day of school.  Noah was so excited to go to Kindergarten.  We got there pretty early and he had time to play on the playground.  I took him to class and got him settled into his seat.  He gets to sit next to London who lives in our neighborhood.  There are a lot of kids from our ward that are in his class and he loves that.  Logan's 1st day was a little bit rougher.  He didn't want to go and I left him crying in the classroom.  It was a little hard but I knew that he would be fine when I got back to pick him up. (He was and he said that he had a lot of fun.)  One of the best parts about school is that I get 2 1/2 hours to myself. (Hadley is usually taking a nap during school.)  I LOVE SCHOOL!!!

Happy Anniversary Joey!

So on September 14th Joey and I celebrated our 9th Anniversary.   We did nothing to spectacular, the day before we took our kids to Lagoon and then had dinner on our Anniversary at Sally's house for 2nd Sunday!!  Not to exciting but we didn't care.  I can't believe that it has been 9 years.  Some days it seems like I was just sitting across from Joey at the Salt Lake Temple and other days it seems like we have been together forever.  The last 9 years have definitely had there ups and downs, with all our business adventures and Joey's get quick schemes.  I still think that we have a lot to look forward to and a ton of adventures left to go on.  Happy Anniversary Joey!!

Annie's Wedding

Joey's Sister got married on August 30th and I had a great time.  The ceremony was awesome and the food was good, and the dancing was out of this world.  I don't think that I have danced that much since High school.  We were definitely shaking  our stuff on the dance floor.  It was great fun!  Thanks Annie and Greg for having such a fabulous wedding.

Happy 1st Birthday Hadley!!!!

Look who joined the 1 year old club.  I can't believe how fast a year has gone by.  I have really enjoyed this last year.  Having a baby girl in our home has been so much fun.  The boys really love their baby sister.  She is so loving.  She also has quite an attitude.  If she wants something she has to have it right away.  Although she is extremely cute, she has a high pitch squeal that can hurt anyones ears.    I think that she gets cuter and cuter every day.  She has started spinning in circles and stops and looks at you like she just did something spectacular.  She just giggles.  She loves to swing and hold her dolly.  She is getting to also be quiet a handful, she gets into everything.  We have to watch her every minute.  Happy 1st Birthday  Hadley!!!  WE LOVE YOU!

Fat Cats!!!!

Noah's Birthday party was at Fat Cat's.  We got to go bowling and play in the arcade.  Everyone had a really good time and Noah loved it.  Thanks everyone that came.

Happy Birthday Noah!!!!

Happy Birthday Noah!!!! I can't believe that you are 6!!   You are an amazing kid.  You love to learn and play.  I love that you are a great big brother.  You are always worried about your brother and sister. (Sometimes a little to worried.)   Things that you do that amaze me are 
1.  You can watch a movie once and practically recite the whole show.  
2.  You remember everything.  Nothing gets by you and if I promise to do something you make sure that I stick to it.
3.  You love your family.  (This includes your extended family)
4.  You can ride your 4 wheeler like a pro!!!!
5.  You love animals and always want to get a new pet. (Your mean mom however won't let you)
6.  Your sensitive and a little dramatic.  (This rubs off onto you little brother.) 
7.  You look just like your dad.  I think that your his clone.
8.  That even though you say every sunday that you don't want to go to church you love it when you get there and love to ask mom and dad questions about Jesus and Heavenly Father.
9.  That you love to read.
10. That you love life.
You amaze me every day!!!  I'm so blessed that you are in my life.  I treasure every day that I get to be your mom and spend all day with you.  I LOVE YOU!!!

Back to Blogging

So I'm back.  I going to try and update my blog.  I took a little vacation to get things set up with my computer desk and computer.  I still have not transfered over all of my pictures but it is a long and boring process.   Logan took this picture of me that is why my chin is cut off!!!


Worst Blogger Ever

I'm clearly the worst blogger ever. I no that it has been forever since I last posted on my blog, however I'm putting blogging on hold. I just got a new computer and will be updated everthing this week, hopfully my blog to.



So I did this on my friends blog and thought I would jump on the bandwagon. 1. Add a comment on my blog, leaving one memory that you and I (or Joey, or both of us, or our kids) had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! 2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.


My Little Pig Pen!!!

My little Logan is the biggest Pig Pen ever. He is always dirty. He gets out of the bath and I look down and he has some goo dripping down the front of him. He is also a little misfit. He is always getting into things and ruining everything. He has put holes in the wall looking for Thimbletack. He sharpies the walls and cabinets. He painted the patio with blue paint along with our dog Spike. He cut the cable to my printer. I'm sure there are many other things that he has done but the page is not big enough. Joey told me that we need to get him projects to do, however he just makes a mess of everything. I 'm always yelling at the kid. I'm not sure that he is going to make to his next birthday or through the summer for that matter. His only saving grace is that he says cute thing like he wants to ride on a frosty float in the party. (Ride a float in the parade.) He also has an adorable little face and loves his family. Otherwise he would be up for SALE!!!



On July 3rd we went as a family to Chuck-A-Rama and as we where leaving this guy tried to pick a fight with us. It was really awesome. Joey, Hyrum and Chris were all yelling at this guy and he started yelling back. The his wife started in on it. Noah was crying because he thought his Dad was going to fight the guy. The whole restaurant could hear what was going on. He thought we weren't watching our kids and here he was swearing in front of his little girl and causing a big scene. (What a great example) The managers all came over. It was very entertaining. I just don't get people. Why even say anything to us, we were leaving.


For the Month of July!!

In honor of the 4th and the 24th of July I have changed my back ground to my blog to be patriotic. I may however change it back before the end of the month. I think that it is a little loud. However I could not resist the stars and stripes.


So You Think You Can Dance!!

I am a hugh SYTYCD fan. I love this show. I record each episode and re play them over and over. I think that I still have almost all of last season still on my TIVO. I won't get rid of them, besides Logan loves to watch the dance show. Two years ago I went to see SYTYCD tour in Denver with my sister-in-laws. It was awesome. This season I was not sure at first if there was really anyone that I loved right at first. However I have my favorites now. I love Katee and Joshua. I think that every dance they have done has been really good. Here are some of my favorite clips from the show this far.


Jib Jab

Send a JibJab Sendables® eCard Today!
Send a JibJab Sendables® eCard Today!
My friend Melanie put on of these on her blog and my kids ask me daily to look at it. So, today I finally let them do their own. They think that it's hilarious!!!


Hannah MAN-tana Contest

My brother-in-law is trying to win Hannah Montana ticket to the Staium of Fire for his little girl Shaylee, (she is going to be 3 in 2 months.) he has to dress up as Hannah MAN-tana. So you have to going to this web site http://www.971zht.com/ and vote for him and the person with the most votes wins. Here are the pictures of him that will be posted on the contest. He is contestant number 42. What a great dad to dress up like this to try and win tickets for his daughter. Good Luck Chris!!

Our Trip to the Zoo!!!

We went to the zoo on member night. It was great, there was hardly anyone there it was a nice cool night and the animal for the most part were out and not just laying there in the heat. They also had a lot of things for the kids to do. Noah love the zoo and definitely loves animals. He loves the tigers the most. We got to see the white alligator again this year and I told the kids we could go back and do the carousel ride later this summer. (The line was enormous for this, and we did not want to wait.) It was a really fun family night at the zoo!!

Update on Hadley

Noah and Logan took these pictures of Hadley!!
I never put updates on here about my children, but we just went to the doctor so I thought that I would. Hadley is 10 months old. She weights 17 lbs. 12 oz. (She is in the 75% in weight and weights more now then Logan did at a year YAY!!) She is 28 inches. (She grew 3 inches in 3 months, She is in the 50%) Her head circumference is 17 3/4 inches. (She is in the 40%) She is a very happy little baby. She loves to play peek a boo and is very fast at crawling. She looks a lot like her daddy and I thought that she was going to be a mommas girl but like my boys if her dad is around, loves him. (This makes me a little sad, I did hope that 1 of our kids would like me more, but I guess daddy is just more fun to play with!!) She is on the verge of walking. She will stand on her own and every once in a while take maybe two steps but then falls to the ground and takes off crawling. She is very much loved by the whole family. She is a very sweet little girl. Also while at the doctors office I did find out that Hadley had double ear infections. I had no clue. She was not even acting different. I'm either a bad mother and not very observant or my children don't ever change when they have ear infections. She has been amazingly happy through the whole thing. (My boys are the same way when they get ear infections, I never notice until they get other symptoms.) She is taking her meds and we go back next week to see if they are all cleared up.

Ryan Sally Hoecherl

Baby Ryan is the newest of the Hoecherl cousins. She is grandchild number 21. She is the cutest little thing and very happy. I don't think that she cries. She was so happy the whole time we where there visiting. MacKensie is a great big sister and loves to hold her and help out. Hadley is really excited to have two cousins her age (Sophia and Ryan) so that they can be great friends. We are really excited that Hyrum and his family are moving back home. They will be here the first week in July and we can't wait. (Ryan is about 5 months old in these pictures.)